Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You know you're a mom when...

-You pull some toilet paper off the roll and it has holes in it where your one-year-old clawed the roll.

-You can't figure out why the zipper on your pants won't work until you realize that the pants are on inside-out.

-You constantly have food stuck to the bottom of your feet.

-Stories on the news about kids seriously affect you.

-Even though you don't agree with leaving your kids on the street, you understand the impulse to do it.

-You have bruises all over your body without knowing how they got there.

-You are truly thankful for Spongebob (and you've seen most of the episodes).

-You are totally out of shape (who has the time?), except for your arms which are like He-Man from picking up kids all day.

-More to come...

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