Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Son the Biter

My son is 16 months old and is officially a biter. My oldest went through this period when she was about the same age, although it was quick and pretty harmless. My second kiddo never bit, which is somewhat surprising to me.

I got the call today from the day care center saying your kids are great...nothing is wrong with them. It's just that J bit another child on the face and broke the skin. And drew blood. She was quick to add that it was only one small drop of blood, but they have to call when the skin is broken. She already called the victim's parents and they were very understanding. Apparently, the victim is a frequent biter.

So what is a parent to do? When I try to discipline him, he laughs. Which is what he did to his teacher today. Does he understand that biting is wrong when we tell him? I guess I'll go Google it and see what the experts have to say. Is it wrong that Google substitutes for a pediatrician?